Falak Angels هي شبكة من المستثمرين الملائكيين وأحد شركاء الشركة السعودية للاستثمار الجريء. تهدف Falak Angels إلى ربط الشركات التقنية في المراحل المبكرة بشبكة من المستثمرين الملائكيين مع خيار التقديم على برنامج الاستثمار بالمشاركة مع شركة الاستثمار السعودي الجريء SVC (الموافقة وفقًا لمعايير SVC)
القيمة المضافة لمستثمرينا
تمكين المستثمرين من العثور على الشركات الناشئة القابلة للاستثمار والوصول إليها
فرصة الحصول على مقدار عالٍ وجيد من صفقات ذات جودة ومختارة بعناية
احتمالية نجاح أعلى للشركاتنا عن غيرها
الاستفادة من برنامج الإستثمار بالمشاركة مع المستثمرين الملائكيين المقدم من شركة الإستثمار السعودي الجريء
العضويات محدودة للأعضاء المدعوين
تواصل مع المستثمرين من ذوي الخبرات المماثلة في مركز فلك الأعمال للاستثمار
مجتمع متكامل داعم للشركات
أدوات تقنية
is now LIVE - Awakening the Dreamers & Funding the Doers
Commitment to deploy directly into startups (at the very least SAR 100,000 every year)
Connectivity to previous startups invested into (for reference check)
Willing to commit to providing advisory, mentorship, market accessibility and support to startups as expected of a professional angel investor
Signed ID copy and national address registration (not more than one month old)
Membership fees payment (yearly)
Deployment in to Falaks’ pooled angel network investment vehicle (one time, minimum of SAR 100,000)
Signing terms and conditions of the Angel Network
* Acceptance to the angel network is solely at the discretion of Falak Angels team.
الأسئلة الشائعة
Yes, information specific to you the investor will be kept private, but Falak Angels has the right to disclose investor name, profile, and startup names invested into.
Yes, information specific to you the investor will be kept private, but Falak Angels has the right to disclose investor name, profile, and startup names invested into.
Yes, information specific to you the investor will be kept private, but Falak Angels has the right to disclose investor name, profile, and startup names invested into.
Yes, information specific to you the investor will be kept private, but Falak Angels has the right to disclose investor name, profile, and startup names invested into.
Yes, information specific to you the investor will be kept private, but Falak Angels has the right to disclose investor name, profile, and startup names invested into.
Yes, information specific to you the investor will be kept private, but Falak Angels has the right to disclose investor name, profile, and startup names invested into.
Yes, information specific to you the investor will be kept private, but Falak Angels has the right to disclose investor name, profile, and startup names invested into.
Yes, information specific to you the investor will be kept private, but Falak Angels has the right to disclose investor name, profile, and startup names invested into.
Yes, information specific to you the investor will be kept private, but Falak Angels has the right to disclose investor name, profile, and startup names invested into.
Yes, information specific to you the investor will be kept private, but Falak Angels has the right to disclose investor name, profile, and startup names invested into.