Many wannabe entrepreneurs have great ideas, but an idea without proper execution is worth nothing. You might even have an idea, and a few months later, you see it on the news feed with excellent traction. What counts is great execution or at least a decent execution. Execution is divided into two questions: Can you figure out what to do? Can you get it done?
Getting it done requires two things: extreme focus and extreme intensity.
Extreme Focus:
Divide your days into the most important two or three tasks to do every day, and GET THEM DONE.
Learn how to say no to things that won’t help you develop your product, understand your customers and market. Any CEO needs to learn how to say no, a lot.
Set overarching goals and repeat them. This keeps the company focused.
Growth and momentum are what a startup lives on. You should always know what you’re doing along with your metrics.
Avoid distractions.
Extreme Intensity:
Startups are not a good option for a work/life balance. You need to incorporate an amount of extra work to outwork your competitors and to get it done.
A small amount of work on the right thing makes remarkable progress. Use the 80/20 rule to determine this.
How many new users each existing user brings in? If it’s 0.99, the company will plague and collapse and die. If it’s 1.01, you’re in a happy place to get exponential growth forever. Do you see that? The differentiation is 0.2; it’s a small number translated into a little extra effort in the right place. Remember: work smart, don’t work hard.
By focusing extremely and being highly intense in accomplishing what is needed, you will be able to see your idea off the ground.